The Seven Sisters Youth Garden

The Seven Sisters Youth Garden in Hot Springs, South Dakota will be located on Library Drive on the parcel of land between the Library and the Book Barn. The approximate area is outlined in red on the aerial view below.

Seven Sisters Youth Garden Aerial View


The vision for the Seven Sisters Community Garden is a coming together of people, resources and dedication to benefit the youth and children of our community. A collaboration of parents and local organizations to establish a garden within the City of Hot Springs to be used as a recreational and educational tool for the children and young people in the community.


To engage the youth of the community in all phases of the garden (design, implementation and maintenance) to foster interest, a deeper commitment and greater sense of ownership. What do children learn in a garden? 

  1. Science: Biology, Botany, Entomology, Meterology, Scientific Method, Environmental Science

  2. Math: Comparison, Classification, Counting, Economics, Estimation, Equations, Graphing, Measurement, Shapes, Statistics, Time, Tracking

  3. Art: Craft, Colors, Light, Movement

  4. Social: Negotiation, Patience, Work Ethic, Responsibility, Team Work

  5. Physical: Fine Motor skills, Gross Motor skills, Health, Nutrition, Observation, Sensory

  6. Language Arts: Narration, Reading, Vocabulary, Writing


The design below is a general plan of the garden’s layout. The entrance to the garden will be on the north side of the garden that faces Library Drive. The back of the garden overlooks the Seven Sisters mountain range. The general plan includes a Sensory Garden, Alphabet Garden, Pollinator Garden, Sundial Garden and Dinosaur Garden, among other areas for the education of children and youth. There will be an education center in the Imagination Circle. Of course the shed, fence, paths, gates and foliage shown on this layout are generalized and not actual. At this initial stage of planning, we welcome ideas from others and look forward to the community’s input. 

Seven Sisters Youth Garden Image 2


The Seven Sisters Youth Garden is a South Dakota nonprofit corporation with 501c3 status. It has four Board Members and an Executive Director. 

Funding for the Seven Sisters Youth Garden is being actively applied for from local and national organizations, state and federal grants, foundations and other funding opportunities that are available. Again, the community is welcome to participate. Reach out to us on our contact page and we will be happy to share the current status and stage of development. 

This is a community project with the welfare of our children at the heart of it all. The garden will provide hands-on horticulture education to our young people that will stand them in good stead throughout their lives wherever they are and whatever they do.